Tag Archives: Wind

Windy night the causes shortness of breath!

2 Oct

I like to be the kind of person who looks at the bright side of things. On Monday night Melbourne experienced some pretty gusty winds! The winds were the city’s third strongest wind storm on record.

 Blown away

I don’t want to downplay the severity of the wind, but there was the usual extreme weather side effects – trees down, roofs damaged, power outages.

Mostly though, on Facebook people on a whole whined about their lack of sleep.

Which is fair because the whole city sounded haunted for the night!

But now they are forecasting even more crazy winds and for people who’s power has not been properly restored or have damage houses, it’s really not a welcomed weather anomaly.

I do want to say this though, in the Point Cook area alone, I have seen more handsome man fixing gardens, fixing broken computer systems (in the case of my work) and generally getting things fixed than ever before.

Now I’m not saying I’m partial to destructive winds. But I am partial to an attractive tradie.